JavaScript Data GridAdvanced Filter


The Advanced Filter allows for complex filter conditions to be entered across columns in a single type-ahead input, as well as within a hierarchical visual builder.

Enabling Advanced Filter

The Advanced Filter is enabled by setting the property enableAdvancedFilter = true. By default, the Advanced Filter is displayed between the column headers and the grid rows, where the Floating Filters would be displayed if they were enabled.

const gridOptions = {
    enableAdvancedFilter: true,

    // other grid options ...

The following example demonstrates the Advanced Filter:

  • Start typing athlete into the Advanced Filter input. As you type, the list of suggested column names will be filtered down.
  • Select the Athlete entry by pressing ↵ Enter or ⇥ Tab, or using the mouse to click on the entry.
  • Select the contains entry in a similar way.
  • After the quote, type michael followed by an end quote (").
  • Press ↵ Enter or click the Apply button to execute the filter.
  • The rows are now filtered to contain only Athletes with names containing michael.
  • Try out each of the columns to see how the different Cell Data Types are handled.
  • Complex filter expressions can be built up by using AND and OR along with brackets - ( and ).

Advanced Filter and Column Filters cannot be active at the same time. Enabling Advanced Filter will disable Column Filters.

Advanced Filter Builder

As well as typing into the Advanced Filter input, Advanced Filters can also be set by using the Advanced Filter Builder. This displays a hierarchical view of the filter, and allows the different filter parts to be set using dropdowns and inputs. It also allows for filter conditions to be added, deleted and reordered.

The Advanced Filter Builder can be launched by clicking the Builder button next to the Advanced Filter input.

The following example demonstrates the Advanced Filter Builder:

  • Click on any of the dropdown pills to change the join operators, columns and filter options.
  • Click on the value pills to change the filter values.
  • Use the drag handles to move the filter conditions or groups around.
  • Use the add and remove buttons to create new conditions or delete existing ones.
  • If the filter is valid (and does not match the already applied filter), click the Apply button to apply the filter.

Configuring Columns

For a column to appear in the Advanced Filter, it needs to have filter: true (or set to a non-null and non-false value).

The type of the filter options displayed is based on the Cell Data Type of the column.

The different properties that can be set for each column are explained in the sections below, and demonstrated in the following example:

  • The Age column is not available in the filter as filter = false.
  • The Sport column is not available in the filter by default as hidden columns are excluded.
  • After clicking Include Hidden Columns, the Sport column is available in the filter.
  • The Group column does not appear in the filter, but its underlying column - Country - always appears.
  • The Athlete column has Filter Params defined, so that it only shows the contains option and is case sensitive.
  • The Gold, Silver and Bronze columns in the Medals (-) column group have a headerValueGetter defined and use the location property to have a different name in the filter (with a (-) suffix).

Including Hidden Columns

By default, hidden columns do not appear in the Advanced Filter. To make hidden columns appear, set includeHiddenColumnsInAdvancedFilter = true.

Row Grouping

When Row Grouping, group columns will not appear in the Advanced Filter. The underlying columns will always appear, even if hidden.

Column Names

The name by which columns appear in the Advanced Filter can be configured by using a Header Value Getter and checking for location = 'advancedFilter'.

Filter Parameters

Certain properties can be set by using colDef.filterParams.

const gridOptions = {
    columnDefs: [
            field: 'athlete',
            filterParams: {
                // perform case sensitive search
                caseSensitive: true,
                // limit options to `contains` only
                filterOptions: ['contains'],

    // other grid options ...

For all Cell Data Types, the available filter options can be set via filterOptions.

The available options are as follows:

Option NameOption KeyCell Data Type
containscontainstext, object
does not containnotContainstext, object
equalsequalstext, object
=equalsnumber, date, dateString
not equalnotEqualtext, object
!=notEqualnumber, date, dateString
begins withstartsWithtext, object
ends withendsWithtext, object
is blankblanktext, number, boolean, date, dateString, object
is not blanknotBlanktext, number, boolean, date, dateString, object
>greaterThannumber, date, dateString
>=greaterThanOrEqualnumber, date, dateString
<lessThannumber, date, dateString
<=lessThanOrEqualnumber, date, dateString
is truetrueboolean
is falsefalseboolean

For text and object Cell Data Types, caseSensitive = true can be set to enable case sensitivity.

For number, date and dateString Cell Data Types, the following properties can be set to include blank values for the relevant options:

  • includeBlanksInEquals = true
  • includeBlanksInLessThan = true
  • includeBlanksInGreaterThan = true

These settings only apply when using the Client-Side Row Model. You need to implement support for these in your server-side filtering logic when using the Server-Side Row Model.

Filter Model / API

The Advanced Filter model describes the current state of the Advanced Filter. This is represented by an AdvancedFilterModel, which is either a ColumnAdvancedFilterModel for a single condition, or a JoinAdvancedFilterModel for multiple conditions:

For example, the Advanced Filter ([Age] > 23 OR [Sport] ends with "ing") AND [Country] contains "united" would be represented by the following model:

const advancedFilterModel = {
    filterType: 'join',
    type: 'AND',
    conditions: [
        filterType: 'join',
        type: 'OR',
        conditions: [
            filterType: 'number',
            colId: 'age',
            type: 'greaterThan',
            filter: 23,
            filterType: 'text',
            colId: 'sport',
            type: 'endsWith',
            filter: 'ing',
        filterType: 'text',
        colId: 'country',
        type: 'contains',
        filter: 'united',

The Advanced Filter Model can be retrieved via the API method getAdvancedFilterModel, and set via the API method setAdvancedFilterModel.

The Advanced Filter Model and API methods are demonstrated in the following example:

  • Clicking Save Advanced Filter Model will save the current Advanced Filter.
  • Clicking Restore Advanced Filter Model will restore the previously saved Advanced Filter.
  • Clicking Set Custom Advanced Filter Model will set [Gold] >= 1.
  • Clicking Clear Advanced Filter will clear the current Advanced Filter.

Advanced Filter Parent

By default the Advanced Filter is displayed underneath the Column Headers, where the Floating Filters would normally appear.

It is possible to instead display the Advanced Filter outside of the grid (such as above it). This can be done by setting the grid option advancedFilterParent and providing it with a DOM element to contain the filter.

The Popup Parent must also be set to an element that contains both the Advanced Filter parent and the grid.

The following example demonstrates displaying the Advanced Filter outside of the grid:

  • The Advanced Filter parent is set using an element directly above the grid.
  • Popup Parent is set to the document body.

Configuring Advanced Filter Builder

The Advanced Filter Builder can be configured using the IAdvancedFilterBuilderParams interface:

The params can be set via the grid option advancedFilterBuilderParams:

As well as using the button in the Advanced Filter, it's possible to launch the Advanced Filter Builder via the showAdvancedFilterBuilder grid API method, and hide it via hideAdvancedFilterBuilder:

When the Advanced Filter Builder is shown or hidden, the advancedFilterBuilderVisibleChanged event is fired:

The following example demonstrates configuring the Advanced Filter Builder:

  • The Advanced Filter Builder button displays the Advanced Filter Builder via the API method showAdvancedFilterBuilder.
  • The advancedFilterBuilderVisibleChanged event is used to toggle the disabled status of the Advanced Filter Builder button.
  • The showMoveButtons param is set in the advancedFilterBuilderParams, which displays buttons allowing the filter rows to be moved up and down (including via keyboard navigation).

Cell Data Type Handling

All of the Cell Data Types are supported in the Advanced Filter. The behaviour of each is described below.

  • Text - The value in the input is compared against the cell value before any Value Formatters are applied (similar to the Text Filter). To change the value being compared against, a Filter Value Getter can be used.
  • Number - The value in the input is compared against the cell value (like in the Number Filter).
  • Boolean - No values are displayed for booleans as the filter option is used instead.
  • Date - The value in the input is converted to a Date via the Value Parser.
  • Date String - The value in the input is converted to a Date using the Value Parser and the Date Parser. This is compared against the cell values, which are also converted using the Date Parser.
  • Object - The value in the input is compared against the values returned by the Filter Value Getter if one is provided. Otherwise, the cell values are converted using the Value Formatter.

Aggregation / Pivoting

The Advanced Filter will only work on leaf-level rows when using Aggregation. The groupAggFiltering property will be ignored.

When Pivoting, Pivot Result Columns will not appear in the Advanced Filter. However, primary columns (including underlying group and pivot columns) will be shown in the Advanced Filter.

Server-Side Row Model

In addition to the Client-Side Row Model, the Advanced Filter can be used with the Server-Side Row Model. See the SSRM Advanced Filter Example for more information.

Suppress Advanced Filter Function Evaluation

To provide the best performance, Advanced Filter sanitises the filter input and passes it to new Function(). This requires the unsafe-eval policy in order to work.

If this policy cannot be enabled, it is still possible to use Advanced Filter by setting the grid option suppressAdvancedFilterEval = true. This will use defined functions instead, and will result in the same functional behaviour, but filtering will be slightly slower.