React ChartsRadial Gauge

A Radial Gauge presents a single data point within a predefined range using a circular scale. The data is represented by a needle or bar indicating the value.

Simple Radial Gauge

To create a Radial Gauge, use the createGauge API with the type radial-gauge.

const [options, setOptions] = useState({
    type: 'radial-gauge',
    value: 80,
    scale: {
      min: 0,
      max: 100,

return (
    <AgGauge options={options} />

In this configuration:

  • value is the value displayed by the gauge.
  • scale.min defines the minimum value of the scale.
  • scale.max defines the maximum value of the scale.
  • The data is represented by a coloured bar displayed over a grey scale.


Needle / Bar

It is possible to display the data value using a bar, a needle or both. These are both rendered over the scale.

    needle: {
        enabled: true,
    bar: {
        enabled: false,

In the above example, note that:

  • When the needle is enabled, the label is not shown.
  • When the bar is disabled, the scale defaults to showing the gradient colour instead of the solid grey.

For customisation of both the bar and needle, see below or the API Reference.


Up to two inner labels can be configured with the label and secondaryLabel properties.

    label: {
        formatter({ value }) {
            return `${value.toFixed(0)}%`;
    secondaryLabel: {
        text: 'Test Score',
    scale: {
        label: {
            enabled: false,

In this configuration:

  • The first label uses a formatter to format the value.
  • The second label displays a fixed text string. This option is only available for inner labels.
  • The scale labels are hidden using the scale.label.enabled option. See the API Reference for more details about customising the scale label style and interval.


To split the gauge into segments, set segmentation.enabled to true.

    segmentation: {
        enabled: true,
        interval: {
            count: 4
        spacing: 2,

In this configuration:

  • segmentation.interval specifies how the gauge is segmented. Available options are:
    • step - segments the gauge at a fixed interval.
    • count - segments the gauge a fixed number of times.
    • values - segments the gauge at specific scale values.
  • spacing defines the spacing between each segment.

Corner Radius

    cornerRadius: 99,
    cornerMode: 'container',

In this configuration:

  • cornerRadius specifies the amount of curvature applied to each corner.
  • cornerMode can be set to container to apply rounded corners only to the start and end of the gauge, or item for all visual items within the gauge.

Start and End Angles

The startAngle and endAngle properties can be used to customise the start and end position of the gauge.

    startAngle: 225,
    endAngle: 495,
  • Angles are calculated clockwise, starting from the top of the gauge.
  • endAngle must be greater than startAngle.

Colour Options

Single Colour

Both the bar and scale can be displayed using a solid fill.

    scale: {
        fill: '#f5f6fa',
    bar: {
        fill: '#4cd137',

Multiple Colours

Multiple colours can be specified using the fills property.

    bar: {
        fills: [{ color: '#00a8ff' }, { color: '#9c88ff' }, { color: '#e84118' }],
        fillMode: 'discrete',

In this configuration:

  • fills specifies an array of colours to use to fill the bar.
  • fillMode can be set to continuous for a gradient, or discrete to use blocks of solid colours.

The default behaviour is to space out the colours evenly. This can be customised by using colour stops.

Colour Stops

    bar: {
        fills: [
            { color: '#E84118', stop: 35 },
            { color: '#FBC531', stop: 45 },
            { color: '#4CD137', stop: 55 },
            { color: '#FBC531', stop: 65 },
            { color: '#E84118' },
        fillMode: 'discrete',

In this configuration:

  • Each colour stops at the stop value, and the next colour begins at that point.
  • If no stop is provided, the fills will be distributed equally.
  • The last colour is used until the end of the scale or bar.
  • Both discrete and continuous modes can be used with colour stops.


Gauges often display targets or thresholds to provide context to the displayed data value. These can be added using the targets configuration array.

    targets: [
            value: 70,
            text: 'Average',

In this configuration:

  • value is the position for the target marker.
  • text is an optional string for the target label.


    targets: [
            value: 30,
            shape: 'triangle',
            placement: 'outside',
            fill: 'white',
            strokeWidth: 2,
            spacing: 8,
            value: 75,
            placement: 'inside',
            shape: 'triangle',
            fill: 'white',
            strokeWidth: 2,
            spacing: 8,
            value: 90,
            placement: 'middle',
            shape: 'circle',
            fill: 'white',
            strokeWidth: 2,
            spacing: 8,

In this configuration:

  • shape is a marker shape.
  • placement indicates the relative placement to the gauge - either inside, outside, or middle.
  • size is the size of the marker, in pixels.
  • spacing is spacing from the edge of the gauge to the marker. Ignored when placement is middle.

API Reference