Vue Data GridPivoting


Pivoting allows you to take row values and turn them into columns. For example you can pivot on Country to make columns for Ireland, United Kingdom, USA etc.

Pivoting only makes sense when mixed with aggregation. If you turn a column into a pivot column, you must have at least one aggregation (value) active for the configuration to make sense. For example, if pivoting by country, you must provide something you are measuring such as 'gold medals per country'.

Pivot Mode

Pivot mode is required to be turned on for pivoting to work. When the grid is in pivot mode, the following will happen:

  • Only columns with Group, Pivot or Value active will be included in the grid.
  • Only aggregated rows will be shown, the lowest level rowData will not be displayed.

If pivot mode is off, then adding or removing pivot columns will have no effect.

To allow a column to be used as pivot column via the Tool Panel, set enablePivot=true on the required columns. Otherwise you won't be able to drag and drop the columns to the pivot drop zone from the Tool Panel.

Specifying Pivot Columns

To pivot rows by a particular column, mark the column you want to group with pivot=true. There is no limit on the number of columns that the grid can pivot by. For example, the following will pivot the rows in the grid by country and then sport:

    /* other grid options ... */>

this.columnDefs = [
    { field: "country", pivot: true },
    { field: "sport", pivot: true }

Example: Simple Pivot

The example below shows a simple pivot on the Sport column using the Gold, Silver and Bronze columns for values.

Columns Date and Year, although defined as columns, are not displayed in the grid as they have no group, pivot or value associated with them.

Pivot Mode vs Pivot Active

It is possible to have pivot mode turned on even though there is no pivot active on the grid. In this scenario, the grid will display the data as normal but will strip out columns that have no grouping or value active.

The example below demonstrates the difference between pivot mode and having a column with pivot active. The example has three modes of operation that can be switched between using the top buttons. The modes are as follows:

  • 1 - Grouping Active: This is normal grouping. The grid groups with aggregations over Gold, Silver and Bronze. The user can drill down to the lowest level row data and columns without aggregation or group (eg Country, Year, Date and Sport) are shown.

  • 2 - Grouping Active with Pivot Mode: This is grouping with pivotMode=true, but without any pivot active. The data shown is identical to the first option except the grid removes access to the lowest level row data and columns without aggregation or group are not shown.

  • 3 - Grouping Active with Pivot Mode and Pivot Active: This is grouping with pivotMode=true and pivot active. Although it appears similar to the second option, there is no pivot active in the second option.

Note that a pivot can only be active if pivot mode is on. If pivot mode is off, all pivot columns are ignored.

Pivot Mode & Visible Columns

When not in pivot mode, only columns that are visible are shown in the grid. To remove a column from the grid, use api.setColumnsVisible([colKey], visible). Checking a column in the toolPanel will set the visibility on the column.

When in pivot mode and not pivoting, only columns that have row group or aggregation active are included in the grid. To add a column to the grid you either add it as a row group column or a value column. Setting visibility on a column has no impact when in pivot mode. Checking a column in the toolPanel will either add the column as a row group (if the column is configured as a dimension) or as an aggregated value (if the columns is configured as a value).

When in pivot mode and pivoting, then the columns displayed in the grid are pivot result columns (explained below) and not the grid options supplied columns. The pivot result columns are a product of the pivot and value columns. To have a column included in the calculation of the pivot result columns, it should be added as either a pivot or a value column. As with 'pivot mode and not pivoting', checking a column in the toolPanel while in pivot mode will add the column as a row group or an aggregated value. You must drag the column to a pivot drop zone in order to add it as a pivot column. As before, setting visibility on the column will have no effect when in pivot mode.

Columns vs Pivot Result Columns

When Pivot Mode is off, the Columns in the grid correspond to the Column Definitions provided to the grid by the application. When Pivot Mode is on and Pivot is active, the Columns in the grid are Pivot Result Columns, which are the combinatorial product of Pivot Column values and the aggregated Value Columns.

For example, consider the Columns from the examples Year and Gold. If a Pivot is placed on Year and an Aggregation of sum is placed on Gold, then the Pivot Result Columns that get displayed in the grid would be: 2002 sum(Gold), 2004 sum(Gold), 2006 sum(Gold), 2008 sum(Gold), 2010 sum(Gold) and 2012 sum(Gold).

The Pivot Result Columns do not behave the same as the initial Columns in the following scenarios:

  • Tool Panel: The Tool Panel shows initial Columns, never Pivot Result Columns.
  • Filtering: Filtering on Pivot Result Columns is slightly different, See below for details.

Looking up Pivot Result Columns

As mentioned above, the Pivot Result Columns in the grid are created by the grid by cross referencing Pivot Columns with Value Columns. The result of which are new Pivot Result Columns that have Column ID's generated by the grid. If you want to use the grid API to manage the Pivot Result Columns (e.g. to set width, apply sort etc) you look up the column using the grid API getPivotResultColumn(pivotCols, valueCol).

// look up the Column that pivots on country Ireland and aggregates Gold
const irelandGoldColumn = this.gridApi.getPivotResultColumn(['Ireland'],'gold'); 

// change the width of the Pivot Result Column
this.gridApi.setColumnWidths([{ key: irelandGoldColumn, newWidth: newWidth }]);

// look up the Column that pivots on country SausageKingdom and year 2002 and aggregates silver
const sausageKingdomColumn = this.gridApi.getPivotResultColumn(['SausageKingdom','2002'],'silver'); 

console.log('found column with id ' + sausageKingdomColumn.getId());

Pivot Result Column Definitions

It is possible to manipulate the Column Definition of the Pivot Result Columns using the processPivotResultColDef callback (or processPivotResultColGroupDef callback for Column Groups).

The field and colId properties of the Pivot Result Column definitions should not be overwritten.

    /* other grid options ... */>

this.processPivotResultColDef = (colDef) => {
    if (colDef.pivotValueColumn.getId() === 'gold') {
        colDef.headerName = colDef.headerName.toUpperCase();
this.processPivotResultColGroupDef = (colGroupDef) => {
    if (colGroupDef.pivotKeys.length && colGroupDef.pivotKeys[0] === '2010') {
        colGroupDef.headerClass = 'color-background'
    colGroupDef.headerName = 'Year ' + colGroupDef.headerName

In the example below, notice how applying these functions can be used to manipulate the headers

  • The Group Headers have had Year prefixed onto each value
  • The Group Year 2010 has been coloured yellow
  • The Columns pivoted from the Gold Column have been uppercased


It is possible to filter on both grid options supplied columns and pivot result columns when pivoting is active in the grid. However, there are some differences in how users can filter on both column types. These differences are described in sections below:

Filtering on Regular Columns

When pivoting is active in the grid, Filtering on columns supplied in the grid options is possible through the Filters Tool Panel and the Filter API.

When pivoting is active, it is not possible to filter on regular columns using Column Filters as the grid only displays group and pivot result columns.

These filters are applied to the data before it is pivoted, as such a change in these filters can effect not only the resulting values and rows, but also the columns generated from the pivot.

    /* other grid options ... */>

this.columnDefs = [
   { field: 'country', rowGroup: true, filter: true },
   { field: 'year', pivot: true, filter: true },
   { field: 'sport', filter: true },
   { field: 'gold', aggFunc: 'sum' },
   { field: 'silver', aggFunc: 'sum' },
   { field: 'bronze', aggFunc: 'sum' },
this.pivotMode = true;
this.sideBar = 'filters';

The snippet above has been used to construct the example below, demonstrating the effects of applying filters to the columns in the grid options while pivot mode is enabled.

Filtering on a grouped column:

  • Using the filters tool panel, deselect United States using the Country column filters.
  • Observe how the row has disappeared from the pivot grid.
  • Make note of the column group for the year 2002.
  • Now, using the filters tool panel, deselect Norway, again using the Country column filters.
  • Observe now, how not only the row has disappeared, but so has the 2002 year column group.

Filtering on a pivoted column:

  • Click Reset to clear any filters.
  • Using the filters tool panel, deselect 2002 using the Year column filters.
  • Observe how, rather than reducing the number of rows, the 2002 column group and the columns belonging to it are now gone.

Filtering on any other column:

  • Click Reset to clear any filters.
  • Using the filters tool panel, deselect Swimming using the Sport column filters.
  • Observe how in this case, some rows are hidden, and some pivot values change.

Filtering on Pivot Result Columns

When pivot mode is enabled, you may also Filter on the generated pivot result columns using the column menu, or Floating Filters. As pivot values are all aggregates, filtering pivot result columns shares the same behaviour as Filtering Group Aggregations. This means that when filtering pivoting result columns, the aggregated values on any level will not change because of child rows being filtered out.

    /* other grid options ... */>

this.columnDefs = [
   { field: 'country', rowGroup: true },
   { field: 'year', pivot: true },
   { field: 'sport' },
   { field: 'gold', aggFunc: 'sum', filter: true },
   { field: 'silver', aggFunc: 'sum', filter: 'agNumberColumnFilter' },
   { field: 'bronze', aggFunc: 'sum' },
this.pivotMode = true;

As shown in the snippet above, filters are enabled on pivot result columns by inheriting properties from the underlying value column. The below example demonstrates this behaviour.

While pivot result columns inherit the properties of the value column from which they are generated, setting filter: true will instead default to a Number Filter in the case of a pivot result column. You can use Text Filter or Date Filter. However, Set Filter cannot be used for filtering pivot result columns.

Filtering on a pivot result column:

  • Using the floating filters, apply the filter Not Blank to the 2000, gold column
  • Observe how in this case, all rows which did not have a value for the 2000, gold column have been hidden.
  • Using the floating filters, apply the filter Equals 2 to the 2000, gold column
  • Observe how the group values do not reaggregate after this filter has been applied

Filtering using the API

When pivot mode is enabled, you may also Filter on both the pivot result columns, and the regular columns using the Filter API.

const filterNotBlank2000Silvers = () => {
  const targetCol = this.gridApi.getPivotResultColumn(['2000'], 'silver');
  if (targetCol) {
      [targetCol.getId()]: {
        filterType: 'number',
        type: 'notBlank'

As shown in the snippet above, you can also set filters on pivot result columns using the API.

Pivot Column Groups

Multiple group columns will be shown in the grid when there is more than one active pivot column. These columns can be collapsed, expanded or fixed as described in the sections below:

Expandable Pivot Column Groups

When there is more than one active pivot column, multiple group columns will appear in a collapsed state by default. Each value column will be aggregated based on the configured colDef.aggFunc at each column group level.

Opening Pivot Group Levels by Default

To open all pivot groups down to a given group depth level use the pivotDefaultExpanded grid option as shown below:

    /* other grid options ... */>

this.columnDefs = [
   { field: 'country', rowGroup: true, enableRowGroup: true },
   { field: 'athlete' },
   { field: 'sport', pivot: true, enablePivot: true },
   { field: 'year', pivot: true, enablePivot: true },
   { field: 'date', pivot: true, enablePivot: true },
   { field: 'gold', aggFunc: 'sum' },
   { field: 'silver', aggFunc: 'sum' },
   { field: 'bronze', aggFunc: 'sum' },
   { field: 'bronze', aggFunc: 'sum' },
// first (sport) pivot group level will be open by default
this.pivotDefaultExpanded = 1;

In the snippet above, the first pivot group level sport will be expanded by default as pivotDefaultExpanded = 1.

By default all pivot group levels are collapsed. To expand all pivot group levels set pivotDefaultExpanded = -1.

The example below demonstrates the pivotDefaultExpanded behaviour. Note the first pivot group level sport is expanded by default as pivotDefaultExpanded = 1.

Fixed Pivot Column Groups

To fix the pivot column groups without the ability to expand and collapse the column groups, enable the following grid option property: suppressExpandablePivotGroups=true.

Pivot Row Totals

When in pivot mode you can also include automatically calculated Row Total Columns. These total columns will use the provided aggregation function on the value columns to 'roll-up' each group level.

To enable Pivot Row Totals, declare the following property: gridOption.pivotRowTotals = 'before' | 'after'. The values before and after are used to control the position of the row total columns relative to the other pivot columns.

The example below demonstrates Pivot Row Totals as follows:

  • Pivot Row Totals are positioned before the other pivot group columns using: gridOption.pivotRowTotals = 'before'.
  • Pivot Row Totals are added for each of the value columns: 'gold', 'silver' and 'bronze'.

Pivot Column Group Totals

When in pivot mode you can also include automatically calculated total pivot columns. These total columns will use the provided aggregation function on the value columns to 'roll-up' each group level.

Pivot column groups that contain more than one child will have a total column included. Expanding this group will reveal the columns that make up this total value.

To enable total columns set gridOptions.pivotColumnGroupTotals = 'before' | 'after'. The values before and after are used to control the relative position of the total column when the group is expanded.

All value columns must use the same aggregation function for the total column to make sense, otherwise the total column will not be included.

The example below demonstrates Pivot Column Group Totals as follows:

  • Pivot Column Group Totals added on ['sport', 'year'] columns.
  • Expanding pivot groups reveals columns that make up totals.

Hiding Repeated Value Column Labels

When pivoting with only one value column, it can appear redundant to have the value column label repeated for each pivot key. To address this, you can enable the grid option removePivotHeaderRowWhenSingleValueColumn, when set to true it will cause the value column labels to be skipped, instead using the pivot keys for the column label.

The example below demonstrates hiding repeated column labels. Note the following:

  • The removePivotHeaderRowWhenSingleValueColumn grid option is enabled.
  • As Gold is the only value column, the 'sum(Gold)' columns labels are hidden.
  • If more than one value column is used, the option is disabled and the row showing all the value column labels is displayed.

Saving & Restoring Column State with Pivot

Saving and restoring column state is also possible when pivoting. The generated pivot result columns have IDs dependant on the pivot setup, so assuming the row data is the same, the same pivot result columns will be created and it will be possible to apply saved states to the columns.

Below shows some examples of saving and restoring state with pivot in mind. Note that pivotMode is not stored as part of the column state. If pivotMode is important to your columns state, it needs to be stored separately.

Enabling Pivot Panel

To display the pivot panel set pivotPanelShow as shown below:

    /* other grid options ... */>

this.columnDefs = [
     { field: 'country', rowGroup: true, enableRowGroup: true },
     { field: 'athlete' },
     { field: 'year', pivot: true, enablePivot: true },
     { field: 'sport', pivot: true, enablePivot: true },
     { field: 'gold', aggFunc: 'sum' },
     { field: 'silver', aggFunc: 'sum' },

this.pivotMode = true;

// possible options: 'never', 'always', 'onlyWhenPivoting'
this.pivotPanelShow = 'always';

In the snippet above, the Pivot Panel is configured so that it is 'always' displayed. To only display the Pivot Panel when pivoting is active use: 'onlyWhenPivoting'.

This is demonstrated in the following example, note the following:

  • There are two active pivot columns as the supplied year and sport column definitions have enablePivot=true declared.

  • The Pivot Panel is always shown as pivotPanelShow = 'always'.

  • The order of year and sport can be re-arranged within Pivot Panel as they have enablePivot=true enabled.

Pivoting Extreme Amounts of Data

When pivoting the grid generates the necessary number of pivot result columns to aggregate the value columns for all the combinations of unique values of the pivoted columns. However, when many value columns are used or multiple pivoted columns have a large number of distinct values, the grid has to generate a potentially much larger number of pivot result columns. In extreme cases, this can cause a delay in rendering or even make the page unresponsive.

To prevent this from happening, you can set the pivotMaxGeneratedColumns option. When the grid generates a number of pivot columns across all levels exceeding the pivotMaxGeneratedColumns value, the grid halts column generation, clears all pivot result column headers, and fires the onPivotMaxColumnsExceeded event. This event allows your application to provide custom handling - for example removing the last added pivoted column, filtering the pivoted columns or removing a value column.

In the example below, note the following:

  • The pivotMaxGeneratedColumns is set to 1000.

  • The pivotMaxColumnsExceeded event is triggered when the grid reaches the pivotMaxGeneratedColumns limit, this logs an error in the browser console.

  • Try pivoting by the 'Athlete' column, this will exceed the pivotMaxGeneratedColumns limit and trigger the pivotMaxColumnsExceeded event.

Pivot API

Below shows examples of using the pivot API directly. Use this is you want to build out your own toolPanel.

The example also demonstrates exporting to CSV while using Pivot. Basically what you see inside the grid is what will be exported.

Ordering Pivot Columns

The user is free to drag columns to reorder them and you are able to reorder columns via the api in the normal way. However you may want to change the default order of the pivot columns.

Order of Pivot Value Column Groups
Pivot value columns are the column groups created by the pivot values - eg if 'Country' is a pivot column, then the Pivot Value Column Groups are 'Ireland', 'UK', etc. These columns are ordered alphabetically by default. To override this, provide pivotComparator(a,b) function in the column definition.

In the example below, note the following:

  • A pivotComparator has been supplied to the year column.
  • The pivot column groups have been reversed, to instead display from highest to lowest.

Order of Pivot Value Columns
Pivot value columns are the lowest level column and correspond to the values selected in your pivot. For example, if value columns are the months of the year, then the values will be 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar' etc, one for each value column added. The order of these will either be a) the order the value columns appear in the original column definitions if you provide 'aggFunc' as part of the columns or b) the order you add the columns as value columns.

Hide Open Parents

The example below shows mixing in different options for the row group column. For more info on these properties, see Grouping Rows.

  • groupHideOpenParents=true: So that when the row group is expanded, the parent row is not shown.
  • groupDisplayType: 'multipleColumns': So that one group column is created for each row group column (country and athlete).
  • groupDefaultExpanded=2: So that all the groups are opened by default.

Change Detection and Pivot

While pivoting, you can do delta changes to your data and have the grid reflect this delta changes with animations.

This is demonstrated in the section on Change Detection and Pivot, so rather than repeat that, check out the example there.