Angular ChartsChart State

The dynamic chart state can be saved and restored using the API.

Save & Restore

function saveState() {
    const newState = chart.getState();
    //save to database...

function restoreState() {
    // retrieve state from database...

In the above example:

  • Create and edit some annotations, and then click 'Save' to store the chart state using chart.getState().
  • Click the 'Restore' button to restore a saved state to the chart using chart.setState(). This will override the current state.

Initial State

The initialState chart option allows creating a chart with a saved state.

Additionally, mutating this option at runtime will modify the chart state.

The object provided to this property should be the same as the object returned from the getState() method.

initialState: {
    annotations: [
            type: 'line',
            start: {
                x: { __type: 'date', value: '2024-03-21' },
                y: 1234,
            end: {
                x: { __type: 'date', value: '2024-06-21' },
                y: 2345,

State Contents

  • annotations - This object includes the position and style of any displayed drawings or text annotations.

Note that all the state properties are optional, so a property can be excluded if you do not want to restore it.

API Reference