Angular Data Grid

Loading Component

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The Loading Component is displayed for a row to show data is loading.

The example below demonstrates replacing the Provided Loading Component with a Custom Loading Component.

  • Custom Loading Component is supplied by name via gridOptions.loadingCellRenderer.
  • Custom Loading Component Parameters are supplied using gridOptions.loadingCellRendererParams.
  • Example simulates a long delay to display the spinner clearly.
  • Scrolling the grid will request more rows and again display the loading cell renderer.

Custom Component

The interface for the loading cell renderer component is as follows:

interface ILoadingCellRendererAngularComp {

   // Mandatory - The agInit(params) method is called on the loading cell renderer once.
   agInit(params: ILoadingCellRendererParams): void;

The agInit(params) method takes a params object with the items listed below:

Properties available on the ILoadingCellRendererParams<TData = any, TContext = any> interface.

Dynamic Selection

It's possible to determine what Loading Cell Renderer to use dynamically - i.e. at runtime. This requires providing a loadingCellRendererSelector.

loadingCellRendererSelector: (params) => {
   const useCustomRenderer = ...some condition/check...
   if (useCustomRenderer) {
       return {
           component: CustomLoadingCellRenderer,
           params: {
               // parameters to supply to the custom loading cell renderer
               loadingMessage: '--- CUSTOM LOADING MESSAGE ---',
       } else {
           // no loading cell renderer 
           return undefined;