Announcing ag-Grid v5 and Pivot

Niall Crosby
AG Grid
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2016


This week saw the release of version 5.x of ag-Grid. This release signifies a large step forward for ag-Grid, as it’s a big leap into new territory for any general purpose JavaScript datagrid. All other grids on the market either provide a) general features or b) specialise in pivot. ag-Grid is the first to combine both.

Benefits of Pivot

As a developer, you probably do not use the pivot features of Excel on a regular basis. However if you are building applications for enterprise users, most enterprise users who work with data ARE very familiar with Excel and it’s pivot capabilities. The ag-Grid pivot feature will provide your users with one less reason to export to Excel, and hence make them more productive inside your application.

How it’s Possible

Under the hood, ag-Grid uses its own special purpose framework to manage the complex challenge of building a datagrid. The framework uses the latest ECMA 7 (via TypeScript) strongly typed object oriented design mixed with ag-Grid’s own IoC (Inversion of Control) container, with auto-wired services and ag-Grid’s GUI component for data binding. This custom built library has allowed ag-Grid to create a robust foundation which it is now using to take on the challenges of a complex grid.

The Future

ag-Grids mission is simple — to provide the best general purpose JavaScript datagrid for free and become the world leader in this area, while also providing an Enterprise version for features that are above and beyond what the industry expects from a JavaScript datagrid. Going forward, ag-Grid will build on this by improving its free core features while also breaking new ground with enterprise features.

Learn more about AG Grid — high performance JavaScript Data Grid. We write the code to visualise data in interactive tables so you can concentrate on writing the application code. We support multiple frameworks: Angular, Vue, React so you can pick the best framework for your needs.




Niall Crosby
AG Grid

I am the CEO of ag-Grid. I have 15 years of experience building Enterprise applications before launching my own product ag-Grid Enterprise.